Please, specify in your
letter how you would like to be
contacted. We can contact you by phone if
you leave a telephone number at which you
can be reached during our business hours
(9:00am - 5:00pm M-F). Include as much
information pertaining to the problem
including command history, description of
the problem, the operating
system/computer you are using, and the
exact version number of myHouse. To
determine exact version, go to the
Help/About menu within myHouse.
Support Address:
DesignWare Inc.
Attn: Technical Support
4 Montowese Dr.,
Meriden, CT 06450
Inc., 4 Montowese Dr., Meriden,
CT 06450
Tel: 203/630-9975 Fax:203/686-0008
Email: info@designwareinc.com
revision: 03/19/99